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Guisi Beach – Nueva Valencia, Guimaras

Guisi Beach is known for its white sands and rock formations. Like in most part of Guimaras, a good number of yellow rocks can also be found on this beach. Despite the beach’s admirable beauty, its isolation and modest size seem to result in a fewer visitors. But this would also mean that you can enjoy your stay here with greater intimacy and tranquility.

Guisi Beach - Nueva Valencia, Guimaras
Guisi Beach – Guimaras

The beach’s most noticeable rock is uniquely shaped like a broccoli. It’s quite a puzzling sight that will make you wonder how long it took nature to form it. A rock that has a peculiar shape like this is the only kind that we’ve seen in the country so far. In spite of its distinct characteristic, it’s not getting much attention perhaps because of its size unlike the similar-looking rocks in Phuket Thailand.

Odd looking rocks of Guisi Beach
More uniquely shaped rocks
Guisi Beach's Clean and Clear Water
Crystal clear waters of Guisi Beach

The seawater in this beach is simply superb. Free from trash, molds and other wastes of any form, who can resist its invitation for you to swim? The white sand and the rocks are very visible right below because the seawater is as clear as your drinking water. Protected by the nearby islands, the waves in this beach are smoother and gentler. An excursion to this child-friendly beach is perfect for the family.

Large rocks at Guisi Beach
Rocky part of Guisi Beach
Guisi Beach white sand
A nice view of the white sand in Guisi Beach


Our Experience at Guisi Beach

After visiting the Guisi Lighthouse, it took us a fairly long walk to get to Guisi Beach. We saw a few people hanging out on the beach but they left shortly. It was really great to enjoy the entire beach for ourselves alone. It felt that were some VIPs who paid a large amount to have an exclusive use of the beach. The gentle splash of the waters sounded louder because it was really quiet.

Coconuts of Guisi Beach - Guimaras
The beach view after going down from Guisi Lighthouse
Family fun swimming at Guisi Beach
You can see how they’re having fun swimming there

Getting your body immersed in its clean water is really a delight. With no one else swimming at that moment, the sands haven’t risen up yet to blur your sight of what’s below. My wife Juliet and I took turns in watching over our things as we took pleasure in swimming in the beach. It was wonderful to see our child’s face brighten as he plays in the water.

Guisi Beach yellow rocks
Some yellow rocks at Guisi Beach


Guisi Clearwater Resort

After a fun swimming experience, we checked out the one and only accommodation at this beach which is Guisi Clearwater Resort. The large clam that they turned into a grotto is hard not to notice. My bet is that the area is rich in large clams like these. Their huts by the seaside seems a cozy place to hang out to have lunch during your day-tour. We’ve seen cottages and rooms with and without air conditioners which you can consider booking if you plan to have an overnight stay in this part of the beach.

Guisi Clearwater Resort
Grotto made from a large clamshell
Guisi Clearwater Resort - Nueva, Valencia Guimaras
Cozy huts  and rooms of Guisi Clearwater Resort

Since this is just a 15-minute ride from Alubihod beach, I personally would still consider booking a resort from Alubihod and just have a side trip here. The advantage in Alubihod beach is it’s wider and have more restaurant and store options. But if you’ve been to Alubihod beach before and want to try doing an overnight in Guisi beach, you can check out their rates below:


Guisi Clearwater Resort Rates:

Room Rates for Overnight:
New rooms (beach view)
Aircon room for 2@2500
Fan room for 2@2000
Aircon room for 6@4200
Fan room for 6@3600
Aircon room for 4@3000
Fan room for 4@2500

Guisi Clearwater Resort - Guimaras
The resort has a decent size

Old Building:
Ground floor
Aircon room for 2 @2000
Fan room for 2@1500

2nd floor (Bay view rooms)
Aircon room for 4@2900
Fan room for 4@2400
Fan cottage for 2@1500

With breakfast respectively.

Picnic huts @800 for 10 persons

Inclusion: Entrance & Shower
Corkage fee: If with LITSON & DRINKS.

Boating/Island hopping 500 1st one hour 6 persons succeeding hour 200

For inquiries:
Josie G. Gaitan

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