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Alona Beach – Panglao Island, Bohol

Alona Beach in Panglao Island, Bohol is one of the most popular white-sand beaches in the Philippines. This beach was named after the actress Alona Alegre (born 1948)The reason why this beach was named after her is that she’s the first visitor to wear a swimsuit on this beach.

Wonderul beach in Bohol
Alona Beach – Panglao


Exploring Alona Beach

This wide beach has plenty of resorts like Boracay because it’s beautiful and affordable enough to attract large crowds. Speaking of large crowds, I remember seeing lots of foreigners when we went here. It could be because of the non-working holiday (Thanksgiving) in the U.S that time. Since we prefer the quiet and cost-effective section of this beach, we booked at Alona Tropical Beach Resort.

Wonderful sunrise in Alona Beach Bohol
A guy holding starfish in the rocky shore of Alona Beach

The beach still looks awesome despite the cloudy weather. The beach’s water is very clear and its waves are gentle and safe enough for kids to swim. There were no seaweeds and the sand feels smooth and subtle. Its blue sky and ocean horizon look very relaxing. Exploring this paradise was really a wonderful experience.

Woman jumping in Alona Beach Bohol
Morning Exercise in Alona Beach
Coconut Trees beside Alona Beach in Bohol
Coconut Trees

We can see in the picture that there are lots of coconut trees. It looked nice at first until we saw one of its large fruits falling on a chair. Ouch! I was even planning to sit there earlier.

Lovers in Alona Beach Bohol
Awesome white-sand beach

Alona Beach at Night

This beach resort is livelier at night. We’ve seen more people outside at night compared to daytime.  Its flashing Christmas lights and Parols (star lanterns) will keep you awake and make you stay up late.

A woman about to take her dinnerin Alona Beach Panglao
Alona Beach at Night

We later saw a kid with an adult (could be his brother, dad, uncle, etc.) performing a fire dance. This reminded me of the time when I told my son not to play with fire. This kid’s case is an exemption. He was taught to play with fire but the proper way and with grace.

Father and son doing a fire dance
Fire Dance

Live-band Music

A large section of the beach is loud because of the live bands. There was one talented audience who asked a band to let her sing a song she composed. She performed it with a guitar and got a rave from the listeners.

Alona Beach Night Stroll

Every night on this beach is so alive with music that it chases you. It chases you to the point where a guy carrying a guitar will come to serenade you if you’re eating somewhere not reached by the live band’s music.

Alona Beach Serenade

Seafood and More

This place gives you plenty of seafood options to choose from. You’ll find freshly caught lobsters, giant crabs, shrimps, squids and much more. There are lots of restaurants as well which offer Swiss, Italian, Thai and other foreign dishes on top of the local food. So if your trip is food trip, you’ll go a very long way here because of the great variety they offer. This is one of the best spots in Bohol for beach bumming.

Alona Beach Seafood

10 thoughts on “Alona Beach – Panglao Island, Bohol”

  1. Hi,

    We are going to Bohol next month and want to try their fresh sea food, grilled on the spot for the customers. Do you mind sharing where you took that photo of the seafood on the table? Thank you!

    • Hi Anna,

      I can’t pin point which resort in particular but you can easily spot it when you get a short walk in the stretch of the Alona beach. It’s just somewhere in the middle of the beach.

  2. I dont know how anyone who has been here can give this place such a rave review. The beach is nice, but thats all, its not spectacular, and there are much better beaches in the Philippines and Thailand. The whole of the beach front is made up of restaurants and just a few bars. The restaurants are opverpriced and food is terrible.The beach walkway is raised from the beach itself, and the restaurant almost block your path with seafood carts, and staff harrassing you with the menus. You cant walk 10 yards without being menaced by boat trip sellers and massage girls. The walk way itself is like an assault course. its full of potholes and stones and rubble. When it rains these potholes become large pools of water, and you are basically walking in mud. The dive sites are mediocre and there are far better in the Philippines. all in All it is not a place I would return too. The accomodation is overpriced also, there are small rooms for rent for about 25-30 $ a night, with no wifi, no fridge, no aircon. Just a bed and shower. If you want to go to a decent hotel with a pool etc, expect to pay at least. 60-150$ a night. They say the Philippines is cheap and of course, compared to western prices I suppose it is, but if its value, diverse cultures, beautiful beaches, and good hotels at a resonable price then Thailand takes a lot of beating.


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