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Alubihod Beach – Guimaras

Alubihod Beach is one of the biggest tourist draws in Guimaras because of its white sand beach and peculiar yellow rocks. Its clean blue sea with gentle waves and good elevation is excellent for swimming. This beach also lets you enjoy a wonderful view of the horizon that’s sitting side by side with nearby islands that are filled lush green plants that are cool to the eyes.

Wonderful view of Alubihod Beach in Guimaras
Alubihod Beach – Guimaras
Alubihod Beach's Sailboats
These colorful sailboats make the beach look more lively

As the twilight settles, a serene and silent beach takes over to give you a relaxing and pleasant evening. Quietly sitting by the shore while gazing at the fascinating stars and listening to the calm sound of the waves perfectly relieves your mind from stress and concerns. If you haven’t had enough swimming, certain parts of the beachfront have lights and lifeguards until late in the evening so you can continue the splashing fun.

Tranquility in Alubihod Beach
Quietly relaxing in Alubihod Beach’s peaceful evening

Know what it’s like to be on a giant cheese or a moon’s surface with its yellow rocks and walls that are full of craters. The rocks’ distinct feature isn’t something you would normally see in a beach here in the Philippines. In fact, this is the only beach we know so far with a great number of yellow rocks like these. It made us wonder if these hold the secret to the sweet mangoes of Guimaras.

A colossal wall of yellow rock!


Our Experience at Alubihod Beach

We booked at Raymen Beach Resort and we were lucky to get a room that’s right in front of the beach. This was in favor of our sand-loving son. He’s really fond of playing in the sands whenever he gets the chance in outings like these. The sand on this beach may not be as fine as the other renowned beaches in the Philippines but it sits somewhere close to the top-ranked beaches.

Child playing sand on Alubihod Beach - Guimaras
Our son is having a great time playing on the sand
Small yellow rocks at Alubihod Beach, Guimaras
Our son playing with yellow rocks

Some may not like this beach because its elevation is higher than most beaches. It’s so high that they had to put up floaters with nets to act as borders in some parts of the beach. I personally prefer its setup because you don’t have to go very far from the shore to enjoy swimming in the deeper part of the sea. The nets are also good to have to ensure that no jellyfish or shark gets in the swimming area.

Father and son bonding at Alubihod Beach
A relaxing afternoon at Alubihod Beach

The stretch of Alubihod beach area has a modest size but can accommodate a good number of visitors. The resort where we stayed is concrete but the nearby resorts are mostly made out of huts. We even saw other visitors who are just using a tent. For this reason, it gets really dark during night time. It’s practically a good thing if you want a quiet sleep and a relaxing evening.

Alubihod Beach's clean and blue sea
A picturesque view of the sea and the nearby islands


Yellow Rocks of Guimaras

The right side of Alubihod beach might be seen as a dead-end but it’s actually where the treasures are hidden. If you do a short climb to the rocks after Rico Beach Resort, you’ll see a lagoon that’s surrounded by large yellow rocks. What’s nice about the lagoon is that it’s quiet and isolated. It’s just sad to see the two plastic bags and the deflated ball in that lagoon. But it was great to know that the rest of its parts are clean.

Cottage in Alubihod Beach
Must be nice to hang out in that cottage
Large yellow rocks!

The exotic beauty of the large yellow rocks is out of this world. They look like large pieces of the yellow moon’s broken parts the fell on earth. Seeing them all around you felt so unearthly. It’s amazing how a province that’s known for its sweet yellow mango fruit has a beach that’s rich in yellow rocks as well. Unfortunately, the sun doesn’t set in Alubihod beach’s horizon. I bet that it would be a wonderful sight to see the sunset’s yellow rays hit the yellow rocks. It will magnify and brighten their yellow color.

Lagoon at Alubihod Beach
The secret lagoon of Alubihod Beach